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Fake “Agile” is the Norm: How to Instill Agility, not Agile Practices

by Johanna Rothman
Date: February 5
Duration: Less than 45 minutes
Experience: Intermediate


Is your team or project supposed to “be agile?” You might not feel that way if you have a years-long backlog, standups are individual status reports, and everyone is still multitasking. The people on the project want to do great work. But how you work feels a lot like an “agile” death march.

There’s a reason you feel that way. You’re using fake agility—a waterfall lifecycle masquerading as an agile approach. Worse, fake agility is the norm in our industry.

No one has to work that way.

Your management does not care about “agile”—but they care a lot about agility. Instead of fake agile, you can assess your culture, project, and product risks to select a different approach. You can choose how to collaborate, so you can iterate over features and when to deliver value. When you do, you are more likely to discover actual agility and an easier way to work.

Learning Objectives

  1. Have a clear understanding of the different lifecycles and when to use each.
  2. Be able to assess your project, product, and portfolio risks.
  3. Know how to customize a lifecycle based on the unique culture and requirements of the team.
  4. How to create shorter feedback loops in any lifecycle for product success.

Meet Johanna Rothman

Johanna Rothman, known as the “Pragmatic Manager,” offers frank advice for your tough problems. She helps leaders and teams do reasonable things that work. Equipped with that knowledge, they can decide how to adapt their product development.

With her trademark practicality and humor, Johanna is the author of 18 books about many aspects of product development. Her most recent books are the Modern Management Made Easy series, From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams (with Mark Kilby) and Create Your Successful Agile Project: Collaborate, Measure, Estimate, Deliver.




Read Johanna Rothman’s Book

Modern Management Made Easy.